There All The Honor Lies
/Episode 37: There All the Honor Lies (Season 2, Episode 14)
Synopsis: In which Captain Sheridan is accused of murdering a Minbari civilian and a gift shop opens on the station.
Peter David tells the story of the bear in this episode and how it became a long running back and forth between him and JMS:
From that piece I learned that the gift shop story was supposed to end with a bit about a toy gun being mistaken for a real gun, so it was not wholesale inserted by JMS simply to space the bear.
Mea culpa.
Simeon Stylites - You know, 37 years on the top of a pillar sounds pretty good some days. As long as it gets wifi and I can get Chinese food delivered..
Carlin Barton’s Roman Honor: The Fire in the Bones
The Art of Manliness podcast episode with Prof. Barton. Well worth a listen.
w/r/t/ Gary Indiana
The Expanse also seems to use Mandarin/banded collar shirts as a shorthand for “the future.”
And Garibaldi’s shirt definitely has the Mandarin collar.