Voices of Authority
/Episode 51: Voices of Authority (Season 3, Episode 5)
Synopsis: In which Marcus and Ivanova search for allies in the war against the Shadows, and the Clark administration attempts to tighten its grip on the station.
The Seraphs’ ship from the 1978 Battlestar Galactica: https://wikivisually.com/wiki/Seraphs_(Battlestar_Galactica)
Balok from Star Trek’s “The Corbormite Maneuver” http://www.startrek.com/database_article/balok
Marie Crane, the candidate who lost to incumbent Luis Santiago in the 2258 election: http://babylon5.wikia.com/wiki/Marie_Crane
Shari Shattuck: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0789449/?ref_=tt_cl_t13
.38 Special’s “Caught Up In You” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg21Rkew874